Our programon October 11th was presented by Bethany Connelly who is certified in the fields of yoga, fitness, and overall wellness. Her topic was fitness, and she gave a presentation which outlines the three areas that we can all easily work on to increase our level of fitness.

The first area of concern is REST. For sleeping, a dark room is best (she wears a blackout mask). Eating heavily before retiring is not good; the digestive tract works best between 10 AM and 2 PM, so the largest meal should be around noon. When we wake up after sleep, the brain is the most active, and this is the time to set the mood for the day. And, she says 20 minute power naps should be an important part of the day.

The second area is EXERCISE. Two important considerations are maintaining flexibility and strength. There are many easy programs to follow that provide for both of these elements and a cardio exercise training program is also easy to do; swimming is an excellent option.

Lastly, proper NUTRITION is important. A 24 hour food journal is an important tool for this, as it shows you what you ate and how it affected you. All of us need to eat more vegetables, and drink more water. She said that over 80% of headaches are caused by dehydration.

Bethany's website is www.holypowerfitness.com
(Story by Tad Shaw and photo by Steve Frazier)