The July 14th meeting of the Excelsior Rotary Club featured the Excelsior Men's Garden Club.  Garden Club President Ralph VanDixhorn spoke about the four gardens that the club maintains in Excelsior and pointed out the many historical aspects of the gardens and historic plaques found in the gardens and their significance to the City of Excelsior.  The four gardens are the Flagship Garden on Water Street and County Road #19 containing the Flagpole and Gazebo and several beds of flowers, the Lyman Park Garden with two beds by the Farmer's Market, the Historical Garden by the Historical Museum and the Memorial Garden adjacent to Bayview and south of the Post Office.     

            Ken Koppes who is the Club Historian and Photographer and gardener Dr. Bob Anderson were from the Morning Rotary Club were also in attendance.  Glen Froberg (who is also a garden club member) made the introductions to the Excelsior Rotary Club.  President Glover presented the Excelsior Men's Garden Club with a check for $250 and complimented them on their efforts for beautifying the City of Excelsior.