Our meeting on June 28th was the Changing of the Guard. Because of a scheduling problem, the meeting started at 11:30 instead of noon. Attendance was the highest we've seen in a couple of years, close to 100%.

Outgoing president Tom outlined the events, goals and challenges of the year, and thanked the membership for their support during the year. Our club received a Presidential Citation from RI for our achievements during the year. He singled out the board members for their special help, telling the membership of how each board member had helped meet this year's club's goals. He then turned the gavel over to the incoming president, Woody Love.

President Woody thanked Tom for an excellent year, and presented him with a plaque memorializing his year of leadership.

He went on to say that attending Rotary District and International events is an excellent way to understand what Rotary is and what it symbolizes. Future programs will highlight the recent international convention in New Orleans and our past efforts in Chimbote, Peru. One of his goals is to encourage members to attend and participate in Rotary events. He mentioned that the new district governor, Chuck Berg, is from Shakopee, and that the annual district conference will be there next May.

At the July 12th meeting, President Woody will talk about his vision for the direction of the club this year.

Future Programs:
July 5       Jerry Brecke: RI International Convention
July 12     Woody Love: Direction of the Club
July 19     Doug Schmitt - Instrument Playgrounds
July 26     Pook Grathwol: Chimbote, Peru Projects & Our Club
(Story by Tad Shaw and Posting and Photo by Steve Frazier)