The October 26th meeting was a club assembly on the subject of our club's foundation. The foundation was established a few years ago, and it offers our members a 501c3 charitable foundation for donations. This local foundation has a board of trustees drawn from our club's past presidents, and they control our club's charitable funds. Joe Froehling is the chair, and a presentation on the foundation, its goals and rules was presented by Don Draayer, one of the trustees.

It is very important for members to understand that there are two totally different foundations in our Rotary lives: the major, international Rotary Foundation is housed and run in Chicago by international headquarters, and makes grants for projects all over the world. As Rotarians, we all know of this organization and the PAul Harris Fellowship program. Our club and our members have an annual donation to this fund.

The local foundation is set up to receive and disburse funds from members, the club, and other donors to fund charitable causes as desired by our club. Donations to both foundations are tax free (under 501C3 rules).

At the end of the presentation, the club members were asked to approve the foundations policies as set up by the board of trustees: Joe Froehling, Don Draayer, Carl Zinn, Dave Peterka, and Dean Friesen, and that action was taken. (Story by Tad Shaw and posting and photo by Steve Frazier)