Our Program on February 15th, introduced by Jeremy Huisheere, was presented by Tony Signorelli, owner of Signorelli & Associates. A resident of the Stillwater area, he has owned and managed different types of businesses, but found his niche when he formed his current company 15 years ago, and began providing larger companies with advice on sales force effectiveness.

Tony didn't give away all of the secrets of his program, but he did provide a listing of his Rules of Personal Productivity, which he formulated in their present form in 2008. He found that his best and most productive time is spent getting projects from clients, and doing projects for clients; all of the other tasks he was doing were not generating income for the business. Following is the outline of his method to improve productivity, keyed to the five letters P,E,A,D and O.

1. Prioritize. Each day for a week, make a list of every business task that you do, and the time taken. The list will probably include things like open mail, read industry journals, pay bills, process e-mails, etc. At the end of the week, reorganize the tasks into priority based upon how much they fulfill the basic requirement (in his case,get and do projects).

2. Eliminate. Drop tasks that are not productive. Conventions and conferences do not generate clients. Continuing ed requirements should be filled with worthwhile information.

3. Automate. Transfer required processes, such as bill paying, to online or outsource routine tasks and reports.

4. Delegate. Employees are hired to do work; challenge them with valuable tasks so they earn their money.

5. Organize. Do the work that you retain as your responsibility in an organized manner. For example, drive to visit clients only on assigned days, and go to certain territories on a schedule instead of randomly driving to clients as the client requests. If a client knows you'll be visiting on the third Wednesday of the month, most will save his problems to discuss then.

His closing comment was that our business should serve us, not the reverse.

Contact info: website www.newrulesofselfemployment.com (Story by Tad shaw and photo and posting by Steve Frazier)