Our Program on September 15th was on the Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness (known to us as the BWCA) and presented by Paul Danicic the Executive Director.  Paul pointed out what a great treasure the BWCA is to Minnesota and the Nation.  All of the preservation of the BWCA is funded by citizens as it receives no state or federal funding.  Danicic pointed out that over 250,000 people visit the BWCA from all over the world each year to enjoy the pristine waters of its over 2200 lakes and multitude of portages.  Within the BWCA’s 1.5 million acres of wilderness there is wonderful fishing, canoeing and camping and the opportunity to enjoy nature in its natural setting.  The friends of the BWCA are working to keep it un-motorized and pristine for the future.   
One of the biggest threats to the BWCA is copper and sulfide mining and the polluting effects of PolyMet flowing into the BWCA through seeping mines and mine disasters.  Paul asked our club members to take copies of the petition letter to Governor Dayton to get an independent study of the PolyMet sulfide mine impacts of the BWCA.  Other threats are Aquatic Invasive Species along with natural threats such as fires and storm damage.
“Everyone has a BWCA story” said Danicic and during Happy Bucks many of these were shared by members.  Paul urged members to join the Friends of the BWCA and to help protect this national treasure for coming generations.   Additional information can be found at  www.friends-bwca.org.
Also visiting our club were two Rotarians from other clubs promoting club projects and fundraisers.  Steve Juetten of the Plymouth Club is selling raffle tickets ( $10 each) and the Minnetonka Rotary Club promoting getting Mentors for the Vantage Program and MHS.