Our program on May 24th was the annual meeting with the MHS seniors who are members of our club's STRIVE program, and Scott Dykhoff introduced each of the seniors to the club and presented a plaque and certificate of accomplishment to each of the students who completed the program.

The fourteen students who completed the program this year are David Allen, Emerson French, Rami Jubara, Blake Eucker, Ryan Crippa, A J Berger, Ethan King, Melissa Mettert, Matthew Nowocin, Joey Goldberg, Zachary Gabler, Marilyn Kruy, Brady Kirchner, and Sam Hultman. All of the students who were present at lunch told of their plans for next year, including two boys (men) who are joining the armed services. The rest of the group seem to favor Normandale College and other regional smaller colleges.. Some of the colleges chosen by the students have matches for scholarships, so those funds will be increased by the schools.

After the introductions, the winners in the program were announced. The actual awards had been given at the high school on Award Night earlier, so the students already knew who were the winners. Sam Hultman was the big winner and he will get a match from his college, Normandale, as will Marilyn Kruy, who also is attending Normandale. Ryan Crippa and Zachary Gabler were the other winners.

Dick Glover announced that this year brings our student total to over 100 students who have been members of our STRIVE Program. The word STRIVE is an acronym, which stands for "Students Trying to Renew Interest in Education".

Future Programs:
June 7: Personal Profile: Ron Kaufman
           Greeter: Dave McCuskey
June 14: Personal Profile: Pam Prosser
           Greeter: Ron Hughes
(Story by Tad Shaw and posting and photo by Steve Frazier)