Our Program on Tuesday, September 20th was Tiffany Frazier Wellness and staying healthy this fall.  Our Scheduled speaker was to be Tracie Stanton had a death in the family and our backup program was to be C4C (Community for the Commons) with Kate Wilinski but Kate was not available because she and her son have Covid as does President Steve.  So Past President Lou chaired the meeting with Tiffany pinch hitting on the spur of the moment!  Also joining by Zoom were Padee Yang and Steve Frazier.  Our special guest was Dr. David Law our new Superintendent of Minnetonka Schools.
Tiffany introduced herself as being the Fitness Professional at Love and Light Fitness and has been in the fitness area her whole life all the way back to when she was 16 years old.  She started by saying, “To remain healthy we need to get 6 to 8 hours of sleep per night.”  She noted that our bodies require different amounts of sleep depending on age and each person’s level of activity.  “Listen to your body!” she says, “and put away your social media and take some time in quiet medication and relaxation without all the external stimulation in life.”  Tiffany goes on to say, “We need to be thankful and grateful in our lives and to set positive goals each day.”  She noted that, “My Dad has a note pad right on the counter at the lake that has his goals for each day and he checks them off as he does them and the ones he doesn’t get done are moved to the next day.”  Tiffany listens to Joyce Meyers daily to get her off to a positive start and to anticipate great things to happen each day. 
Tiffany asked the group how many glasses of water they should drink each day and someone suggest 4 glasses.  ”You need at least 8 glasses per day and add two more if you are working out or doing strenuous work.”  She suggests that if you don’t like the taste of water add some lemon or fruits to flavor your water! Be careful of fruit and vegetable juices that might have added sugars and sodium!"  Juices and fresh vegetables have natural sugar which is much better for our bodies.  She also notes that different vegies have varying amounts of sodium and sugars that we need to pay attention to and that processed foods have 2 to 3 times more sodium and sugar.  She exclaims, “There are added sugars in everything so be careful.”  “Even coffee creamer can have your daily dose of 25-35 mg all at one time so pay attention to you sugar intake!”  Tiffany explains that our bodies need 1000mg of calcium a day and a cup of milk has 400mgs.  Great sources of calcium are milk and yogurt. 
She went on to say that in all her years of nutritional training she was never aware of oxalates until she encountered kidney stones and found out that many of her favorite foods and protein shakes were responsible for her stones.  Men need 45gm and females 35gms and that the protein breaks down into carbs and sugar.  She noted that Laura Shaw (Tad’s daughter) provided herbal drops to help reduce the stone size or break it up so Tiffany didn't need to have another surgery!  Also that Laura also taught her to slow down and to be still to improve her health.  Tiffany ended by saying we need to be thankful and grateful in life and to pay attention to our bodies needs and to find our best self.  And then focus on “Something great is going to happen to me today!”