Our Speaker on November 2nd (Election Day) was Councilperson Kissy Coakley of the 4th Ward of the City of Minnetonka.  Kissy was introduced by her friend Dr. Tyronne Carter.  Tyronne got to know Kissy in her bid for election two years ago and was so impressed he helped in her door knocking campaign in the previous city election.  He praised her by saying she was a “True Lioness, a straight shooter, and that she does what she says she will do.” 
Councilwoman Coakley said that she has been a Minnetonka resident for 32 years and had worked on many campaigns but mostly in Minneapolis.  Then she decided to get involved in Minnetonka politics to give residents concerns a direct voice in the 4th Ward.  To do so she quit her job two years ago and talking to her constituents directly in person, by phone, texting and email and then brings those concerns to the city council.  Kissy is the first to admit that she doesn’t know everything and the learning curve to learn all the zoning, finance and staffing issues has helped her to become informed.  Her pledge is to be present at all meetings, to vote, to help the city be fiscally responsible and transparent.  High on her list priorities are affordable housing and openness with policing.                                
Kissy then opened the floor to Q&A and was very straight forward:
1.  Not favor defunding the police department.
2.  Candidates need to show up for election debates in person to help voters.
3.  She represents about 13,000 in Ward 4 and direct contact with about 10% so far. 4.  Willing not to point fingers about race.
5.  Believes in equity of economic opportunity within the city.
6.  Promotes equity of race, age, economic and gender and affordable housing.
7.  Opportunity for black and brown in business creation.
8.  City needs to be open to change and the demographics changing.
9.  Being the only black person on the council has been challenging but effective.
10. Would like the city to do more in informing and engaging residents.
11. Remain fiscally responsible by keeping tax increases to a minimum.                                                     
Councilwoman Kissy Coakley received a rounding applause from the 25 club members in attendance and many glowing reports from members that live in the City of Minnetonka.