Excelsior Rotary Club
Service In Motion
Thank you to everyone who attended our Rotary Assembly on Tuesday, August 4th!  We had a wonderful assembly with lots of fresh ideas and energy! We also figured out how to do Zoom breakout meetings, so we are basically unstoppable. President Kate had fun constructing the meeting logo and fashioned it after the Avengers and called it the Excelsior Rotary Assemblers!  So, Rotarians, Assemble!
President Kate set up four breakout zoom rooms where the Rotarians assembled and discussed Marketing/Fundraising, Meeting Programs and Speakers, Social/Service events and projects, and Membership.  The four breakout groups met for 20 minutes and discussed their ideas and plans for 2020 – Covid and after Covid – and reported back to the club.  Some of the highlights include the following:
  • Marketing/Fundraising – Steve Frazier/Jim Cada will reach out to the rest of today's team to follow up on some of the ideas. We will be increasing our presence on Facebook/Instagram, and also reaching our local papers. Fundraising for the Rotary Golf Classic is now moving in full gears.  Members can go to our golf website at BirdEase.com/Rotary Classic to register to be a sponsor, hole sponsor and golfing.  Karen Frazier is collecting Auction Items at (kfrazier@usjet.net ). The goal this year is to raise $40,000 for our charities.  More to come!
  • Meetings – Jenny Janson’s group let us know that many Rotarians want to meet more, including a 3rd meeting over zoom when we start meeting in person.
  • Social/Service - Randy Schumacher stepped in to lead the group on social events and service opportunities during Covid. Our service is on hold, but we are still donating to non-profits. This group talked about social distanced meetings in the park! There will also be a Highway Clean-up to start on Tuesday, September 22nd and members will sign-up for an area and pick up yellow bags at John Ferm’s Rare Coin Shop in Excelsior and do their area at their own convenience that week.  In October and November the members will also be asked to donate fall and winter clothing again this year to Resource West.
  • Membership – The breakout led by Tyronne Carter discussed how our club can market itself to prospective members - be clear on why our group is special and what we have to offer. Business Mentor Groups could be very appealing for younger professionals, given the vast knowledge and experience in our Rotary. 
  • LEADERS will follow-up with their breakout meeting attendees to move any decisions/actions forward, and report back to the club in September of their progress.  President Kate said, “I am so energized by your continued commitment to Rotary and our community. Let's keep zoomin' ahead! See you on Tuesday, August 18 to hear from Dr. Petersen.”
Club Announcements:
  1. Excelsior Rotary Club donated $2,500 to ICA for upcoming fundraiser.
  2. Michelle Seets was appointed as an Honorary Member of the club.
  3. Resignation from the club was accepted from Bob Carlson.
  4. The Board moved to have dues be $110/quarter while we are not meeting but members can continue paying $220 as donations if they so desire.
  5. The Beach Wheel Chair we purchased for the Commons is no longer used there and was donated to Opportunity Partners to aid disabled clients.
  6. The Excelsior Rotary Club donated $1,000 in a 2 to 1 match to keep the Chamber operating so our gift turned into $3,000 for the Chamber.
  7. Upcoming Meetings:
    1. The Rotary Golf Classic Committee meets Tuesdays at 7:30 AM  weekly.
    2. Tuesday, August 18th – Minnetonka Superintendent Dennis Peterson will speak on the District’s Back to School Plan.
    3. Tuesday, September 1st – Police Chief Mike Meehan speaking on the SLMPSD, Covid 19 Protocols and Civil Unrest (Tentatively)
    4. Tuesday, September 15th the Rotary Golf Classic at Deer Run