Minutes of Special Meeting 2-19-2013
Excelsior Foundation
The Excelsior Rotary Foundation Board of Trustees Special Meeting of February 19, 2013 at Bay View Event Center
The Meeting was Called to Order (1.0) by Chair Don Draayer at 1:15PM at Bay View Event Center on Tuesday, February 19, 2013. In attendance were trustees Don Draayer (Chair), Randy Schumacher (Treasurer), Trustee Terry Roeser and Steve Frazier (Secretary). Trustee Dave Peterka was present at 1:00 pm and signed the Banking/Investment forms prior to departing early due to a business meeting.
The action of the Trustees (3.0) was to sign the Banking/Investment Forms for Ann Wengronowitz for the Foundation’s Investment Fund.
Next the Trustees took up the action to appoint a new Treasurer (2.0). Terry Roeser moved and Steve Frazier seconded a motion acknowledging Dean Friesen’s resignation as Acting Treasurer of the Excelsior Rotary Foundation and the appointment of Randy Schumacher to the post of Treasurer, effective Tuesday, February 19, 2013. After several affirmations of Randy’s qualifications and willingness to serve the vote was taken and it was unanimous.
After the appointment, Chair Draayer asked Randy Schumacher in what ways the other Trustees could be helpful to him as he assumes the position as Treasurer. Randy requested that there be a co-signer on Foundation checks. Chair Draayer volunteered to do so as he had done previously and the other Trustees agreed by consensus. Randy said that he will be working with Dean Friesen to transition into the position and to become familiar with all of the Foundations accounts and procedures. Chair Draayer noted that he has asked Dean Friesen to act as Financial Advisor to the Foundation.
The final item on the agenda (4.0) was items requiring action and/or discussion prior to the next regular Meeting of the Foundation on Tuesday, March 19th. Secretary Steve Frazier noted the Email discussion between President Litfin and Chair Draayer about the funding of the Kids Against Hunger and that in past practice it has been to bill all club members for the skipped meal that day and that any remaining costs came out of club funds and donations. Chair Draayer will work with President Litfin on this funding issue and suggest that it is a Club Board of Directors issue to resolve.
There being no further discussion Terry Roeser moved and seconded by Steve Frazier to adjourn and the motion carried unanimously. Chair Draayer declared the meeting adjourned at 1:24p.m. with the next regular Foundation Meeting to be held at 1:00 at Bay View Event Center on March 19, 2013.
Respectfully submitted by Foundation Secretary Steve Frazier.